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Pet Owner Resources:

Trainers and Sitters:

Does your dog have a behavioral problem or just needs to learn some manners?  Or, do you need to find a doggy day care or pet sitter? We can point you in the right direction! Here is a list of recommended resources:  


All For Dogs Pet Services

Leroy Williams


Phone: 845-590-7120

Allied Dog Training


Phone: 516 220 0064

General Tips & Info:


There are a few things that we can guarantee a puppy will do:  pee, poop, eat and chew!

Here are some ways to try to curb the chewing:

  • Teach, don’t punish.  Teach them what they are allowed to chew on and never punish them for chewing. 

  • Make a toy box.  When you purchase a new toy, put it in the toy box and do not give it to them directly.

  • Pick up their toys.  Put the toys back in the toy box before bed so the toys will be more exciting the next day.

  • Offer a trade.  Always replace what they are not supposed to chew on with toys they are allowed to choose from.

  • Add Appeal. Freeze a peanut butter filled Kong as a fun treat (you can purchase one at pet stores). Buy soup bones at the butcher shop; they are cheap and long lasting.  

  • Take away incentive.  Use a bitter apple spray when necessary.  Spray it directly on items they are not supposed to chew.

  • Set them up.  Place an item next to them and say "LEAVE IT." Reward them with a treat when it is not touched.  Pick up the item when you leave the room. 


The most important thing to remember is to NEVER leave a dog unsupervised in areas where they can chew on things (electrical wires, etc.).

Managing Regressive Behaviors

Was your dog potty trained, and now he's not? Did she listen to you before, and now she won't? This is called 'regression' and it's to be expected.

Why do dogs regress?
Once you think your dog is totally potty trained, you may get lax and stop being so strict. Or, maybe they were receiving a treat for positive behavior, and now they aren’t. Chances are you have stopped rewarding them or your rewards are not worth it any more.

What should you do?

  • Start from square one. Go back to basics with your training. 

  • Increase your positive reinforcement. For example: A dollar for every "A" on a report card is great for an elementary school child, but won't get you very much from a high school student. You have to find a different motivation (like getting a driver’s license or allowing them to play sports).

  • Pay more attention to your pet. Remember, they are NOT trained yet.

  • Be patient with them and continue the training. Dogs, just like kids, don't train instantly. Be consistent!

Remember: NEVER hit, kick, scream or yell at your pets.

Curbing Unwanted Behaviors

Our biggest fear of adopting a dog to a family is that they will hit or kick the dog when it misbehaves.  This is unacceptable. Training a dog takes a lot of patience and consistency.  


Teach them, don't punish them, and NEVER use your hands or your feet to correct a dog.  

Here are some ways to safely correct/prevent unwanted behavior:

  • Startle them. Your goal is to interrupt the behavior. You can use a can with pennies in it, because most dogs do not like this sound.  When they are doing something you don't like, shake the can or throw it in their direction (never at them).  But remember, this technique will not work if you are not catching the dog in the act. Dogs have a short attention span and will not associate the startling sound with a shoe they chewed on an hour ago.

  • Show them what they should do and not just what they shouldn't do. For example, if the dog has a shoe, take the shoe from the dog and put it on the ground next to him.  Get one of his favorite toys and give it to him and say "Good."  If he goes for the shoe, tell him "NO or LEAVE IT" in a firm voice and then give him the toy again and say "Good."  Continue this until he gets it.  Keep the shoe there and watch him.  If you leave the room, pick up the shoe. 

  • Use a spray bottle. You can spray the dog with water (on their body) if they are misbehaving (barking, snarling at the cat, etc.). Do not spray the dog in the face or eyes.

  • Clap your hands, stomp your foot, and say "NO" at the same time.  If they stop doing the behavior, praise them and say "good.” 

  • Leash them. Use a leash to attach them (like an umbilical cord) to you when you are in the house.  Supervision is very important and if they are not physically attached to you, you are not watching them closely enough.

  • When in doubt, consult a trainer. A trainer can provide great advice and give you options you haven’t thought of.

Introducing a New Pet

When choosing a new dog, you should:

  • Take your own dog to adoptions and let him help you pick the right dog (if applicable).

  • Ask volunteers to point out which dogs need YOU the most. Our volunteers will be thrilled to show you the "underdogs."

  • Ask the volunteers to point out dogs that are known to be good with other dogs and cats (if applicable).

  • When introducing a new dog to your home, preparation is key:

  • Know where your new dog will spend its days and nights before you bring him home.

  • Solidify obedience training with your own dogs at home so you can control them when introducing the new dog. 

  • Have a safe place for your cats to go if they chose to run from the dog.

Introducing a Dog to Another Dog

  1. Keep a leash on the dog and hold on firmly. 

  2. Introduce them between a baby gate or a kennel.

  3. Be prepared with a water bottle and squirt the dog if he is overly interested, aggressive, or barks at the cat.

  4. If the dog is being aggressive, remove him from the room (with the leash) and then bring him back into the room.  Repeat this "approach" until the behavior improves.

  5. If it's not a dangerous situation, the cat will probably handle the dog without needing help from you.  Allow that to happen.

  6. Never leave them alone together until you are 100% sure that things will be okay.

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