Join Our Foster Team!
We at The Incredible Pups Pet Rescue, are always looking to add fosters to our team! We rely heavily on fosters to be able to save the animals as we do not have a shelter. The more fosters we have the more animals we can save! We are often asked many questions about fostering so below are some answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions or want to further discuss the possibility of fostering with our team please contact us at incrediblepupspetrescue@gmail.com.
What is fostering?
Fostering is when someone temporarily houses an animal in their home until they find their forever homes. It typically is 2-4 weeks, but can go longer or shorter depending on the interest in the dog.
How much does fostering cost?
Fostering costs absolutely nothing! The Incredible Pups Pet Rescue provides everything you need including vetting, food, flea and tick treatments, heartworm preventative, and we even lend you crates and playpens when needed. All you need to provide is TLC and a loving home for the animal!
What types of fostering do you offer?
Regular Fostering- You take a foster dog or cat into your home and provide love and care until they are adopted into a forever home. This is the backbone of our fostering program, and we couldn't rescue so many animals without your foster help! As a foster parent, you are able to give us important information about the animal in your home, details we would not otherwise know.
Vacation Coverage Fostering- This type of fostering is less often and allows our regular fosters to go away without having to worry about their foster. It is for a set amount of time and is often less than 2 weeks. This allows you to help, but without a longer term commitment.
Emergency Fostering- This type of fostering is probably the most important! Emergency fosters are there for us when a regular foster is unable to take on a dog at the last minute. This type of foster allow us to come up with a plan for the longer term and is often only for a few days.
Do I get to choose the dog or cat I foster?
If you are interested in fostering a particular animal you may certainly request it, but there are no guarantees that you will be paired with that particular dog or cat. Each house has different needs when it comes to fostering due to their work schedule or existing animals in the home, so we match based on that criteria. If you are interested in fostering to adopt please let us know ahead of time!
Is fostering safe for my pets at home?
Fostering is absolutely safe for an existing pets in the home! We make sure the animals are healthy before traveling up to New York, so there is little to no risk of your animal catching an illness from them. Often it takes time for the existing animals to adjust to the new guest in the home so we recommend you keep the foster separate from your animals until you feel they are adjusted to each other. If you observe any concerning behavior problems we ask that you contact the rescue as soon as possible.
If you would like to foster for The Incredible Pups Pet Rescue we would love for you to join our team! Please fill out an application so we can learn a little more about you and what type of animals you are interested in fostering. We will contact you within 2 days of the submitted application to move forward with the matching process!
*Our foster applications are identical to our adoption application because sometimes our fosters decide to adopt their foster baby! Please just select foster on the application verses adoption.